
60 Things to Throw Away Right Now to Declutter Your Home

60 things to throw away which are just using up space

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Owning less goes a long way in organizing a home. The formula is very simple and you might even know it already. It’s decluttering—getting rid of unnecessary items. Doing this simple thing will bring about a great difference making your house more liveable. It also saves you time which otherwise is spent on cleaning and maintaining the things which you don’t need.

There might be many things in your house which you have either just kept with the promise of using someday or are simply lazy to throw them out. So here is a list of a few things which you really should throw away. You can even donate or sell some of the things on this list.


1. Old Receipts and Bills which Are of No Use

Honestly, they are of no use and just take up unnecessary space. So, get rid of all the old bills, receipts as they are of no use. If they have been paid, they don’t need to be stored. Throw away the bill of products that are out of warranty as they have no value now. I usually make it a point to check for this every 2-3 months and throw away unnecessary bills.  

Also, sign up for electronic bills and receipts, this will prevent future clutter and also save paper.

2. Old Socks with Holes

Why do you need to keep those socks with holes or socks with worn-out fabric? Digging deeper, you might even find socks, where there is only one from the pair. They are just clutter and take up unnecessary space.

3. DVDs, CDs, and Old Tapes

Do you need these in the era of smartphones, USB drives, and portable hard drives? Transfer the files to them and say goodbye to CDs and DVDs. You can also make something out of these disks. Here are some of the DIY projects you can make using old CDs.

4. Toothbrush

You should get a new toothbrush every 3-4 months for good dental hygiene. After getting the new brush, don’t keep the old one, just throw it away.

5. Expired Medicines

Never you should keep expired medicines in the medic kit. Expired medicines can do more harm than good for you. Throw them out to prevent the risk of consuming them by mistake.

To dispose of them properly, put them in Ziploc bag before making its way to the trash can. This will prevent any leaks.

6. Expired Makeup

If you’re thinking of using expired makeup, then note that it can damage your skin. There are good chances of adverse side effects. So what is more important? Saving some dollars or saving your skin?

7. Old Toys 

Well, memories! I won’t tell you to throw them but they are clutter nevertheless. If you have old toys, which you think that nobody will use, you can donate them. Instead of just catching dust in your storeroom,  they can have a good time with someone (pun intended). Donate them to a local orphanage or at Goodwill.

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8. Your Old or Worn-out Shoes

Throw your old and worn-out shoes. If you haven’t worn your old shoes much and if they are in good condition you can donate them to places like Soles4souls.

9. Wire Hangers

The hangers on which your clothes are hung when you pick them up from dry cleaners are not good for your clothes. They corrupt the fabric and deteriorate the condition of your cloth in the long run. Opt for wooden, steel, or good-quality plastic hangers.

10. Plastic Cutting Boards

Chopping on plastic cutting boards causes scratches and deep cuts on the board over time. Bacteria accumulate in these lines and are very difficult to get rid of as they start growing.

Using wood cutting boards is way better than plastic boards. Even if bacteria enter these boards, they will die instead of thriving.

11. Stale Spices in Cabinets

Spices that have been just occupying the space in your cabinets for years won’t add any flavor to your food. Since you are not using them, they can’t fulfill their task of adding flavors to the food. So, the best thing is you should throw away the spices which you have not used for years.

Related: Kitchen organization hacks to keep your kitchen super organized.

12. Old Calendars

There’s no point in looking at the days of yesteryear or the years before that. So let that old calendar go from your house.

13. Age-old Paint

Paints lose their quality over time and are not that effective after some years. If you use them, you will never get a good finish. So, get rid of them.

14. Dried Flowers

Well, what can I say, this is self-explanatory.

15. Old Boxes of Products

What will you do of so many boxes? You get a new box with most of the new products you purchase depending on the product. If you’re really sure about using them in the future, keep only some and throw the rest away.

16. Old Greeting Cards

You must have kept them as memories, but remember someday you have to part with them. And nowadays, we have so many digital gadgets, so you can take a picture and kept with it you without sacrificing your home space for it.

17. Old and Unused Perfumes

If you’ve kept your old and unused perfumes with the thought of using them someday, then think twice. You have not used them in these years. Plus their fragrance will become less potent as time passes.

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18. Expired Food

Expired food should not be consumed. So now if the food cannot fulfill its sole purpose, what’s the use of keeping it?

19. Games with Missing Parts

There are games which can’t be played without some parts that go missing. If you cannot find these parts then these games are of no value.

20. Dried Nail Polish

You cannot apply dried nail polish on your nails. So why do you still have kept them?

21. Artificial Jewelry You Don’t Use

If you are not wearing your artificial jewelry, give it to someone willing to use them.

22. Old Newspapers

Keep some of the old newspapers as they are required for many purposes. You can use them to clean windows. Throw away the rest.

23. Old Party Supplies

Most of the times, we buy new party supplies for the next party ahead. Even if we use it, we pick up some of it. So narrow down the number of your party supplies. Dump them or give them to someone who needs it.

24. Empty Flower Pots

IF you haven’t planted something in them, then why have you kept it?

25. Old Kids’ Clothes

Make something out of them or donate them. They can be used by the needy.

26. Extra Keychains

Keep the one you use and donate or gift the rest.

27. Old Phone Covers

Ask yourself, ”Will I ever use the used covers again?” It’s better to throw them out.

28. Stretched Out Hair Ties

If your hair ties are too stretched out to use, they are ruined and of no use. Throw them away.

29. Old Soft Toys 

Donate them! Children who love them can have a good time.

30. Candles that You Are Never Going to Burn

They are not useful any longer.

31. Recipe Books

You have read those books hundreds of times, so you must know the recipes written in them. Why do you need them now?

32. Old Batteries

Used batteries are of no use. Dispose of them properly. Batteries such as lithium ones can be recycled.

33. Empty Plastic Bottles

Recycle them. Some shops do offer money in exchange for these bottles.

34. Old Invitation Cards

The ceremonies which these invitation cards are meant for are already wrapped up, that time won’t come back.

35. Unused Posters 

Are you likely to put up the old posters back on the wall again?

36. Expired Sunscreen

The chemicals that block the sun and protect your skin break down with time and thus, fail to guard your skin. So no matter, how much apply it, your skin won’t be protected. Using expired products may lead to side effects. Make the way to the dustbin for your old or expired sunscreen.

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37. Gift Cards

I know that the gift cards from your loved ones are very precious to you. Take pictures and try to throw away the very old ones. Everything has an end someday. And you might have just kept some of them in your storage away from your eyes for years.

38. Old Textbooks

You have finished reading them. Let someone else gain some knowledge. Donating things which can be used by the needy is not at all a bad idea.

39. Old Magazines

You must have kept your favorite magazines which are very old so that you can read them again someday. But 99% chances are you will never bother to read it again and will let them just occupy the space in your bookshelf. 

Make something using them or the option of recycling is always available for you.

40. Old Chargers

You don’t need to keep your year’s old chargers as we live in the era of technology. The charging technology is changing rapidly and that 10 years old charger wouldn’t even fit your latest smartphone.

41. Old Business Cards

The contacts and other such details of some business organizations can change with time, so that old card will never lead you to that organization. Even if the details have not changed you can get a fresh card.

42. Dish-cleaning Sponges

Dish-cleaning sponges get dirty very soon and are the breeding ground for bacteria. They need to clean frequently and be replaced every few weeks.

Some other things which you should throw away:

43. Old Plastic Containers

44. Non-working Bulbs and LEDs

45. Old and Extra Kitchen Utensils

46. Rusty Iron tools 

Use WD 40 for removing the rust from iron tools. WD 40 has amazing household uses.

47. Dried Glue

48. Unused Tablecloths and Napkins 

49. Old Sports Equipment

50. Old Towels

51. Broken Kitchenware

52. Rugged or Worn-out Floor Mats

53. Outdated and Broken Electronic Devices

54. Old Drink Coasters

55. A Single Glove

56. Clothes that you are not going to wear

57. A Single Earring (not the expensive kind)

58. Old Personal Accessories that You Don’t Use

59. Loyalty Cards You Never Use

60. Broken Furniture

These are some of the common things which clutter your home that you can throw away. You might have other things in your house which are of no use to you. So find them and do something about them.

Decluttering can be a difficult task and it might happen that you are not able to throw all the unwanted things at once. That’s completely fine. At least start the process with a few things and make a habit to throw some of these things every day.

Keep your home organized by throwing away clutter, and don’t forget to share the post!

Written by bros

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