
11 Amazing Hot Wheels Storage and Display Ideas

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We all know at least one kid who is a die-hard fan of Hot Wheels. Let’s face it, cars are a popular pastime among children. Although these vehicles do not require fuel, they do require parking! If you find yourself here because you’re looking to organize your hot wheels collection amassed over the years, don’t worry, we got you!

Here we’ve compiled a list of simple hot wheels storage ideas from around the internet that are hot wheels storage cum hot wheels display ideas.


11 Amazing Hot Wheels Storage and Display Ideas

1. Using Picture Ledge Shelves

hot wheels shelf storage
Via Organizationobsessed

To manage Matchbox cars and Hotwheels, the idea of building and installing picture ledge shelves for displaying your hot wheels cars on a little wall in any room works out brilliantly!

To safeguard your photos from tumbling off, picture ledges include a little lip on the outside of the shelf. It’s the same with cars by which they are held in position. You can also buy them online if you don’t want to build them.

2. Make Your Car Table And Storage

hot wheels table storage
Via Foter

This hot wheels mega play table is amongst the coolest hot wheels storage solutions we’ve seen. It has a lot of space for the racecourses which are elevated off the ground so they can remain fixed up most of the time as well as enough storage below for all of the vehicles. In fact, if you’re designing a room with a sports car vibe, this table would be ideal!

3. Hot Wheels Wall Decor Storage

Storing hot wheels on a wall decor
Via Ipopam

When your child is old enough to not play with his Hot Wheels every day but isn’t willing to consider giving them up, this is the perfect option – beautiful wall decor and plenty of storage for all those vehicles. It’s a simple DIY, and the dimensions may be readily adjusted to meet the size of the hot wheels collection you want to store.

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4. Matchbox Car Storage DIY Tutorial

matchbox car storage
Via Thegraciouswife

Arrange all of your kids’ toy cars with this wall-mounted DIY Matchbox Car Storage. It’s simple to do, and you’ll appreciate it very much once your playroom is free of little cars littered around. PVC pipes in two diameters, 2-inch and 3-inch, PVC glue and primer, spray paint, and hooks for installation are all you’ll need for this project.

5. DIY Wooden Crate Parking Garage For Hot Wheels

parking garage for hot wheels
Via Frugalfun4boys

Here’s a creative method to store and exhibit Hot Wheels or Matchbox vehicles that are simple to assemble and looks fantastic in any room, not just the playroom! Also, it is rather inexpensive to create, and the necessary materials are wooden crates, poster board, PVC pipes, a hot glue gun, and sanding paper.

6. DIY Hot Wheels Car Storage Jar

car storage jar
Via Simplicityinthesouth

For those who don’t want to take on large projects, here’s a basic Hotwheels storage suggestion. The vehicles affixed to the top are the appropriate height for young children to open the containers. Most significantly, the boys enjoy it and don’t hate storing their cars away after they’re finished playing. A jar, sandpaper, gorilla glue, masking tape, spray primer, and spray paint are all you need.

7. Hot Wheels Car Shelves Made From An Old Tire

car tyre shelf storage
Via Spaceshipsandlaserbeams

If you have any old tires laying around in your basement, here’s what you can do with them. This toy storage shelving unit is a great recycling concept that doesn’t cost a lot of money to put up and is eye-catching. It’s also not complicated to make.

Here’s what you’ll require. 1 car tire, pine boards, Panhead screws, spray primer, and plastic bonding spray paint.

8. Under Bed Hot Wheels Car Storage and Play Area

underbed car storage
Via Hotwheels

Yes, the multifunctional storage and play spaces have a special place in our hearts. With this DIY under-the-bed storage container, you can keep all of your Hot Wheels in one spot. This Hot Wheels storage idea is fantastic, and it makes toy cleanup much easier after the fun. This under-the-bed storage idea is simple and inexpensive to make.

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9. Hot Wheel Storage with a Carry Handle

Via Adventuresofactionjackson

To house up to 100 matchbox cars, use a tackle box. This is a fantastic storage solution that you can use in different rooms and is transportable! A tackle box features three storage levels and a huge hole in the bottom for larger or irregularly shaped cars. Also, considering how useful it is, it is quite a steal deal.

10. Hot Wheels Cars Hanging Storage

Matchbox Cars Hanging Storage
Via Pickupsomecreativity

Create a hot wheels car organizer that allows you to mount your cars on the wall while also allowing them to fit properly. This is a space-saving storage design that may be positioned anywhere, such as behind the doors, away from the prying eyes of visitors. It’s incredibly easy to make at home, and all you need are fabrics and some basic sewing abilities.

11. Matchbox Car Garage

Via Aloandbeholdlife

This wall garage hack builds on the basic transformed shoe rack idea by allowing for tailored standard spacing between each shelf and, most crucially, by being complete with all mounting hardware supplied.

You only need a pencil and a Phillips screwdriver to come down hard on toy vehicle clutter in four simple steps! If you don’t want to buy it, you may easily make a similar one for yourself.

Toy car storage is always a challenge because they seem to multiply so quickly. And, believe it or not, those tiny matchbox vehicles always find a way to move about. These brilliant Hot Wheels display solutions will rescue your household if you have a crazy car fan in the house. You can thank us later!

Written by bros

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